Oare Marshes

What a stunning sunrise this morning. However, I was too idle to push back the duvet and take photos of it. In my defence it was around about 6 AM and just now I have no pressing need to get out of bed at that time so I stayed there and listened to the radio. Except that wasn't doing well because the bedside radio was tuned to 5-Live and I wanted to listen to Radio 4. Because I am a technologist with a higher degree it only took half-an-hour to work out how to store a new preset on a digital radio. 

Online meeting this morning. It started well in that I had all the bits and bobs working but at the appointed time I was alone. I mailed the person who had sent me the link and it seems that I was the only one in the correct room; everyone else was in a different room and wondering why I wasn't there........ the rest of that one writes itself.

After the meeting I decided that the only sensible course of action was to disconnect and go elsewhere so that's what I did. Oare Marshes has been off limits for a while because a water main was being installed (or something) but a few folk on the KWT Facebook page had mentioned that they had been so that's where I headed and it was, as always, lovely. Cold but sunny. Not as quiet as usual as the workmen are still there but plenty of birds and fresh air and glorious views along the marshes and the Swale estuary. This shot is near enough straight out of the camera - straightened and cropped and bingo-bango it was done. I feel slightly guilty bigging this place up because it might mean that more people visit...... :-) 

I'm going out again tomorrow - go me! 

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