
By pensionspoet

A spot of gardening

I've had a week to think about starting to 'Blip'. I got a new camera for my feel quite excited about using this Blip opportunity to try out something new :-)

The changes to my own, and my family's circumstances due to redundancy are forcing big changes, and it seems to be a good way of logging our progress, whilst keeping our many friends updated., on this beautiful warm Saturday, I spent the morning helping to sort jumble for the Guides in Linton. Probably my last guide jumble sale. With time short until I move, I then spent the afternoon digging up bulbs and shrubs, potting them ready to take up to Norfolk. I am very loathe to leave anything to those who may come in after us....

Jon, meanwhile, has put up the tepee, ready for Henry and 3 of his best friends to camp out in tonight. 

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