
By FlyingPRGal

Sunshine and waggy tails

A gloriously sunny Saturday welcomed me at 815 this morning as I left the house to head up to Essex for the first air show training day of the season.

Gusty winds put a stop to any formation flying practice unfortunately so much drinking of tea and aviation chatter kept the team amused instead.

This year is my fifth season ground crewing and commentating for the Turbulent Display Team and today I could almost smell spring around the corner.

One of my team mates brought his gorgeous cocker spaniel William along to practice at Stow Maries Aerodrome in Essex, one of four original Royal Flying Corps aerodromes during world war one.

William wanted to have a go in one of the Turbs and I couldn't resist taking his photo. He is very excited about the season ahead and I have to admit he got my tail wagging today too.

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