
By Madchickenwoman


Well that was a great event! Bellies there were aplenty for the Hafla  Evening of Dance and Music! Some considerably larger than others! 
I seemed to have spent most of the day gathering clothes to sell at the event, some of which had been worn several times, some a few, some once and I'm ashamed to say, some never! Once selected they were dragged downstairs, sorted into type, and then colour, then hung on hangers and taken out to the car. I also packed the jewelry I had collected earlier in the week and spent the eve cleaning the night before! I had discovered my backdrop stand during my clothes collection and this was also packed, along with the food I had bought earlier in the day from the village shop during my walk with Lucy ( still portly!) I had taken her down to the sports field for a run with the greyhounds I had met earlier in the walk - they bark like mad when they meet in the lanes, but their owner  assured me they loved chasing each other on the playing field! But no greyhounds! So I ran and Lucy stood and watched me in total bewilderment, only running up to me when I stopped and called her! But I digress!
By the time I had finished  packing I was running out of time, so a quick meal of spaghetti on toast and 2 headache tablets and a change of clothes and off I set! The hall was full of women setting up tables and flowers, and draping material and netting on the walls. The side room had been set up for food and the tables were positively groaning with the food people had brought to share. I had the pitch in the hallway as you entered - a great place to catch everyone as they entered and made their way to and from the hall, toilets and refreshment area!! Lots of interest in my clothes which made me feel I might indeed manage to sell some!
Suddenly it was starting - 7 troupes in all and what a mixed bag they were!! They had names of exotic nature which belied both their age, looks and nationality!!! Myself and a friends husband had much fun trying to guess what their day time professions were - librarians, Human Resources, Dentists, and the person inside Big Bird from Sesame street were some of our guesses! For some the decision to do Belly dancing was obviously the most exotic aspect of their performance - they were living their dream but unfortunately they lacked skill or presence despite their bright costumes and exotic dance moves! Others were magnificent, totally committed to the movement and enjoying themselves immensely and communicating this fact to the gathered audience. The hall was awash with come hither looks and the woman with the walking cane was formidable  in her individual dance. I had seen her with it earlier and had wondered how she was going to dance with an injury - however it was a prop, and one she wielded with great proficiency! The Desert Flowers did a restrained dance to Mini the Moocher which just made me smile! The Calstock group was the largest, and had called themselves The Shimmying Jewels! They were one of the best of the night! The dance instructors did individual dances and were very impressive, particularly one who did the last dance dressed in the style of Strictly Come dancing does Belly dancing!!! She had impossibly red, curly hair which she tossed around to great effect!
The best group was Tribal Fire. They were the biggest ladies with impressive stomachs and the most amazing costumes, face make-up and hair accessories - very Frida Kahlo. They danced in perfect unison with skill, presence and confidence and were totally mesmerising. I had already spent my time after setting up stalking them from the minute I saw them arriving! 
Once all the groups had performed it was time to eat and drink Moroccan Fresh Mint Tea and Turkish coffee. I managed to speak to stunning  group about their style. Apparently it is an American Tribal style belly dance, a fusion of Egyptian, Turkish, Gypsy, Flamenco by Carolina Nericcio from San Francisco!!
By the end of the eve I had socialised with friends, eaten, drunk copious amounts of Turkish coffee, taken loads of photos ( mostly awful due to the strong pink lighting and my inexperience and lack of skill!) and been entertained enormously by the eccentric quirky ladies of uncertain age who had the sheer bravery to perform in front of us. Plus I made £84.60 on my clothes and jewelry!!! Plus I managed to bring home a large open jam jar full of Turkish coffee without spillage that has fueled this blip! 
Time for bed as a full day of walking Lucy, taking a cemetery blip, picking up colourful Mai and driving to Mawgan Porth for the Vintage Fair and a coastal walk!!!
So far only a few photos to see here! Yes I've played with the colours here! Wanted the four ladies but not the best photo or lighting so tried to make it better - it's now 4am and I'm giving up and going to bed - damn that Turkish coffee!!!

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