The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

roygbiV - What Do You See?

To finish the ROY G BIV challenge I thought I would get the encaustic art set out again and see where the violet coloured wax would take me.

For those that didn't see the previous encaustic art blip then this art form is basically painting with wax and an iron.

You have no idea where it is going to take you when you begin. It is a largely abstract form of art, so what do you see here.

I thought this looked like some kind of weird underwater cavern with hints of strange denizens that lurk within ...

This brings me to the end of the seven days and the seven colours of the spectrum blips. It's been great fun having to put some thought into the blips. Thank you also to those who also took part. There's berms some great blips this week ..

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