Dornoch Bridge.

A lovely morning, and did the chores in a rugby shirt, with sleeves rolled up! Warm sunshine, and flat calm. It soon clouded over, and then I rolled them down again!

In for breakfast and listen to the Archers, and the cloud turned to rain, and fairly steady too. We had 34.5 mm yesterday, but it had mostly drained away.I checked up last night when I ploughed last year. It was 5th April (and 6th the previous year).. So I'm not behind, yet!

We needed to do a shop, so went to Tain. The rain turned to snow, and it settled on Ben Stac, and the hills around Merkland. A pretty dreary journey all the way to Lairg, but the sun had come out by the time we got to Bonar.

Shopping done, and a kebab from the chip shop in Tain (a real treat for us!). We ate it down by the football pitch, and took Tanni for a run along the shoreline..

Coming past the Glenmorangie distillery, I could see an interesting pattern formed by the sun shining under the bridge to the support pillars below. Of course, by the time I got close enough to park, and out to take a picture, the effect had gone. So this is the view from the other side..

The bridge is 890 m(etres) long, and was built by the push - cast method, the longest in Europe built by this method, but I think that one in France may have beaten the record now. Presumably pushed out over the pillars and then concreting the next section, and pushing out again. Sounds impressive.. Opened in 1991 by the Queen Mum. Must have cut a bit off her journey time to the Castle of Mey!..

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