Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Red Sky in The Morning, Shepherds Warning...

Took this pink sunrise at 6.30 this morning from just in front of the farmhouse. It was already pretty windy by then. I grabbed a quick cup of tea and started the feeding hoping to finish by the time the rain started which was meant to be about 8.30. I just finished feeding the last group of sheep as the rain started at 8.20!! Forecast was bang on. I tried to do a dog walk after the feeding but the rain was painful and drenching so a quick spin round one of the fields and the dogs were racing me home!!

Spent the day doing office work. Ordered some lambing supplies and the milk replacer powder arrived. I keep walking past it and smelling it. It has  a wonderful vanilla smell and it instantly gets me thinking of lambing and getting myself organised. First jobs are to start making double batch meals and freezing the second half.

The wind reduced at about 2pm and the rain stopped and the sun has come out so it was a pleasant afternoon walk with the dogs thankfully! I think the forecast for tomorrow is to do exactly the same. Oh Joy!!

7c 30mph SSE with powerful gusts heavy rain for 6 hours and then sunshine and the odd shower.

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