Coolcoulaghta Stone Row

A beautiful day. I took my car in to have brake pads sorted and then wrote up yesterday's walk in the village café while I waited. Very civilised and very good coffee. I then went to check out these rather handsome stones - the stone row at Coolcoulaghta - as difficult to pronounce as it looks. It means nook of the tribes should you be wondering. They are large and handsome and perfectly lined up with Dunbeacon stone circle about 400m away on the hillside. They were removed by a local farmer in 1980 but so great was the outcry he had to put them up again smartish. They might do for WideAngleWednesday challenge currently being hosted by Hobbs - leading lines. I guess these lines should be going heavenwards but a bit of atmospheric fiddlying has ensued.

And don't forget it's Derelict Thursday again tomorrow.

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