The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the First Steps

Since I've come along mummy and daddy have had to work more in sync with each other. No more 'miss independent woman' or 'mr gym 5 nights a week'. He's the cheese to her macaroni. The flip to her flop. The early morning lifesaver after a long night shift.

Daddy starts his day at 5am every morning. Until then, Mummy is in charge. When my cries woke her out of a deep sleep this morning she optimistically looked at the time: 4.30am - oh so close! Granny and granda took me to the park this afternoon. I had a great time on the swings and playing in the sand.

I took my FIRST STEPS today! Granted I still look like Bambi but I'll be sprinting in no time. I'll be the Usain to my Bolt. The skip in mummy's heartbeat. The run in her ragged.

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