Star trails 2

Wednesday 11th March 2015 (928)

Up for the early service then went for a half mile swim and was still home by 8.50am. Entered my swim on the virtual English channel challenge. Apparently I am crossing directly over the tunnel a mile out from Dover. Unfortunately there aren't any more landmarks until Calais! 

Full day with no photo but then an evening I have been waiting for - finished mid-evening, not over tired, a clear sky and not too cold. I decided to give star trails another try. This is 81 photos over 45 minutes. 

The trails are clearly working but it would help if I had a better idea of where they are revolving round so that I get a better curve on the picture.  
I believe the brighter thicker line half way down and a third of the way in from the left is actually left by Jupiter. I was enjoying using Google sky maps on the phone when I was outside and was surprised when I saw Jupiter.

This experiment is clearly still work in progress but at least I've proved my camera can do it. It just takes a very long time standing next to the camera pressing the button.

First star trail attempt was on 13th February.

I have also set up my justgiving page for the Great Swim. 

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