The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Bug

Some days we're the windscreen. Some days we're the bug. On a Wednesday we try especially hard not to be the bug!

After a shaky start we managed to make it out of the house on time. Mummy's legs almost buckling under the weight of me and all the bags that are necessary to see us both through the day. I had a great day with Marion the childminder and my friend Abi. I made mummy a Mother's Day present and wrapped it up in spotty paper and tied it with a ribbon. She promises she won't peek until Sunday!

These days we live our lives day by day. When we get to bedtime we let out a small sigh of the relief then do it all over again the next day/through the night, whatever. But when mummy overheard her colleague organising dinner for her 20 year old she thought about how crazy the commitment of parenthood is. Just as well I'm awesome mummy!

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