The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Colliding Worlds

'East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet' - Rudyard Kipling.

Mummy finished up on maternity leave a year ago today. As she left work that day it felt like her return was a lifetime away. But inevitably her two worlds have collided and she can't quite believe it. Changing dirty nappies and singing made up songs is juxtaposed with behaving like a professional. Switching between the two can be difficult, especially when you realise that you know all the names of the characters from In the Night Garden but you can't remember your email address.

Mummy and daddy both headed out to work this morning and I spent the day with granny Isy. We stayed in all day waiting on parcels to be delivered for daddy. He forgot to hide the one for mummy's Mother's Day. Surprise mummy! Granda came to visit me after work and I tried on his tie. It suited me.

My new hobby is opening cupboards. I especially like to do it when people are visiting. Look what mummy has in here I'll say as all the junk comes tumbling out. Mummy gathers it up and shuts the door. Again, again I shout!

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