The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Houdini Mummy

Mummy climbed up on the coffee table and disappeared out the living room window. Oh well, I thought. Then I realised that my favourite food source was attached to her. I balled my eyes out. But she appeared minutes later in a Houdini-like fashion at the living room door. Daddy had locked us in (again) after mummy had left her house keys in the car (again).

We rushed to bookbug after our eventful morning and got there in time to sing along with the 7 legged spider. The bookbug lady gave me a look that said 'I know that you were responsible for this poor spider's missing limb'. In the afternoon we went shopping with granny Anne.

Every night mummy offers me up a meal and I refuse to eat it. So she eats it instead. By 'instead' I mean instead of me and not instead of her own dinner. Oh no she still eats that. Mummy, this will not end well!

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