The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Bee Stings

Mummy read somewhere that 'solo play' encourages independence, self-confidence, creativity and language skills. She recites this to herself when she leaves me in my play pen so she can get ready. Don't feel guilty mummy, for the sake of everyone around us please take the time to put on some make up!

Me and mummy went to the cinema today to see The Muppets film. She was excited for me because I love a good puppet show. But I fell asleep and slept for the WHOLE FILM. Mummy didn't blame me, the film was ridiculously boring! She spent the 90 minutes completing a level on candy crush. Yes! Afterwards we went into town. My crying was not conducive to mummy's 'to-do' list so she dropped me off at granny and papa's and tried again.

Daddy is off out tonight and mummy is faffing about the house when she really should be sleeping if she wants to survive the early start I have planned for her. Don't come crying to me mummy when your eyes sting like bee stings!

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