Northern Exposure

By Northern

Sinking ship

Nah... well, yeah it is wrecked but it wasn't sunk. It was put there 60 odd years ago just to make sure my camera could stumble on a handy visual metaphor for the events of the past few days.

I've been a bit taken aback at how I feel about losing this jumble of data on the internet. Small moments in my life and imaginary friends add up to quite a lot of memories, a lot of laughs and a lot of people I've never met that I care about.

I've been relieved to read the post from Joe. More worried about those that are/may lose jobs and livelihoods than I am about losing a journal. 

Got my fingers crossed that things will work out as well as they can. In the meanwhile to keep up the spirits lets Bliptogether and remember... Blip aint over 'til Northern confesses that she's a big hairy arsed bloke!

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