Every Picture Tells .....


#blipfotoforever - Lord Wilson is right behind me

A busy day.

Went into work this morning and a quick trip over to Leeds for a heritage tour of the world famous City Varieties Music Hall. Some photos here. Sonja was also on the same tour.

I threw myself at the mercy of the car salesmen again this afternoon. I just hate all their ploys and techniques especially the bit where they offer you a coffee whilst they consult a higher authority.

I ended up back at the small local dealers where I have been going for the last 30-odd years. They talk straight and don't beat about the bush.

Well I signed on the dotted line and the new car is due in April.

Today's picture in support of #blipfotoforever is in St. George's Square, Huddersfield. Lord Wilson is right behind me on this and even the pigeons on the station roof are showing support for the campaign.

The Grand Theatre in Leeds also offer a private "behind the scenes" heritage tour for 5+ people at £25 in total. If anyone is interested in a blipmeet in Leeds please let me know - there is such a lot to see in the city.

Apologies for the lack of comments yesterday - I was out on the moors late evening looking for the elusive aurora.

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