Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Hethersett village sign

There is an abundance of rather attractive village signs in Norfolk.  I have been admiring this one at least twice a week since dad moved into sheltered accommodation in the village.

It is carved out of a solid piece of oak.  I did some research into the various items depicted.  The church is obvious.  I, apparently along with many other people, assumed that the oak tree on the sign was a reference to Kett's Oak, which is just down the road, between Hethersett and Wymondham.  But it seems I was wrong - it is simply a reference to the many oaks that used to be in the area, the acorns from which fed the deer in the "deer enclosure", which is possibly the origin of the name Hethersett.  Which also, of course, explains the deer on the sign.

I love the amazing amounts of information to be gleaned from a bit of research sitting at my computer.  When I think back to the early days of the computer (I had a Commodore 64) I am amazed at the ever increasing speed of progress.

Change is inevitable, and Blipfoto has to change with the rest of the Internet, or stagnate.  But I still miss the grey!

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