.....Really I had already typed this before I saw the crazy caps thing.......it's a bit how I feel right now........it's hot hot hot and humid....I thought we were over it and now its back...that infernal heat and humidity...drives one to drink ....something with ice cubes.
Jaiya is scouring the neighbourhood looking for her lost phone ...... Flynn is scooting up and down the hallway on his Ninja Turtle scooter...Rumi is scratching and smelling like well there is nothing to describe it...... I just had to delete a paragraph of madness and the fly screen has just come off its hinges.

A most wonderful and very kind blipper is helping me back up my journal...he is starting from the beginning and I from this end....he is moving a hell of a lot faster than I....everytime I get to another entry I get caught up in memories and 'Hey Jaiya remember when we ..............'
I realised that I started Blip just after Flynn was born and it's mostly about him (incase you hadn't noticed) and my little family...I want to keep those memories and of course the comments are such treasures to me.

Rumi is not getting better...again I have nearly been in tears and feel so hopeless...I really have tried everything now and don't know where to turn next. The Vets again next week...... hopefully will shine a light.

“But McBean was quite wrong, I'm quite happy to say,
the Sneetches got quite a bit smarter that day.
That day, they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches,
and no kind of Sneetch is the BEST on the beaches”
Dr. Seuss

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