The Way I See Things


Provincially wonky

It came to my attention this morning that this site is nothing more than "Granny's camera club", with "tons of horrible photos of everything from blurry cats to random shots of nothing in particular".

This came as a horrible shock to me, because I thought that what we were supposed to be creating here was Serious Art, with labels and everything. Frankly, I felt quite let down by all you grannies with your blurry cats - but after mainlining some Sanatogen and having a bit of a lie down, my professionalism came to the fore and I decided that if that was the brief I was man enough to fulfill it. So I went to get the camera and the cat.

My second shock of the day was the realisation that we don't actually have a cat. If I'm honest this nearly finished me off altogether: I was just a mouse click away from deleting my account. But after a couple of stiff measures of Floradix and a full-blown existential crisis I rallied again, realising that as long as the shot was poorly composed and badly lit I would probably be forgiven the absence of cat.

So here you have my offering for the consideration of the Club Committee. I call it "Ribes sanguineum". I offer no explanatory notes, but if you are struggling with the concept please do get in touch so that I can patronise you in a loud voice. Only in public though please - all the fun goes out of trolling if there's no audience.

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