
By AH14


Thankfully, the weather forecast was wrong for today. It was supposed to be a cloudy afternoon but instead we enjoyed sunshine with puffy clouds scuttling across the sky. 

Like yesterday, when I was able to walk out to Old Harry Rocks, the tide went out a very long way (all the water from the south coast of England making its presence felt on the Normandy coast, from what I can make out!), so I headed for Poole Harbour with my wellies to see what I could photograph. 

This couple were seeing just how far out they could walk, although the wife thought better of it and turned back, knowing that there are deep channels in the harbour, leaving her husband to explore further.

A small selection of the rest are here in my Neap Tide at Poole Harbour album.

And just in case you've noticed that I haven't blipped a sunset recently, there's one here!

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