Hey there, Blippers!

I'm new around here, so I just thought I'd say hello. Skip just met me in the park today, and she was so delighted that she took about 10 different pictures of me. If I must say so, I posed elegantly. I'm a red squirrel and proud of it because there aren't very many of us around here. See you soon...at least I hope so.

Update on my Valentine's Day fall for those who remember: I finally got the report from the MRI. When I fell, I fractured the #2 vertebra in my spine. The pain management doctor showed me the "picture" and explained how they could tell it was a new fracture and not something that happened on a previous fall. I am lucky though because it doesn't need surgery or a brace. It's still painful, but should be healed up in six weeks or so. Meanwhile, I am to take it easy and not bend over and lift anything (baskets of laundry for example). Walking in the park with my camera is good though, so blip on! The exciting part was that the doctor said my spine is beautiful! How's that for a compliment to warm a woman's heart? There's none of the compression you would expect in someone of my years (No, he didn't say "advanced years," although he might have been thinking it). So good news mostly. Now if it would just stop hurting, so I don't need to buy stock in Advil.

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