The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Long Lie

Me and mummy live in different time zones. She says my wakening times are not in line with Greenwich Mean Time. If I lived further east then I'd be spot on. But I don't. However, this morning mummy and daddy woke up at 6.30 and I was STILL SLEEPING. They excitedly chatted about how great this was. Eh, should you not check that I'm alright? I was.

I arrived all bright and breezy this morning at Marion's. I didn't even give mummy a second look as she left. I showed off my wobbly Bambi walking then read books for an HOUR and a HALF. I was hoping to send Marion to sleep so me and Bramble the dog could get up to mischief. I failed. In the afternoon we went a walk and I seen horses and sheep.

I've been doing lots of 'phantom poos' recently. I wait until I'm stripped right down to my nappy then shout 'gotcha'! Today it delayed my nap by 15 minutes. Mummy can't believe how smelly they are. Daddy gives me a high five and says 'that's my boy!'

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