The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Daddy T-Shirt

As mummy's maternity leave is ending, daddy's time with me by himself is just beginning. He's experiencing all the same challenges mummy did, only 11 months later. Mummy had forgotten what it was like to be nervous about taking me out for the day. Now she get nervous about not getting out!

Daddy felt ready to venture further than round the block with me today. We went to the shopping centre to buy him a new T-shirt. He walked in, picked up a T-shirt, paid for it, walked back out. I was amazed at this new shopping experience. He took me to a cafe afterwards and treated me to lunch. In the afternoon we walked to the park but I fell asleep and missed the swings. I went bananas when I eventually woke up and daddy had to carry me half a mile home.

Things happen to me and daddy when we're out that don't happen to me and mummy. Like the lady in the cafe today offering to carry our tray to the table and another lady gave us an extra biscuit with our coffee. But I still can't get over that he walked in, picked up a T-shirt, paid for it, walked back out!

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