The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Agenda

I woke up and launched myself head first into the side of my cot. Nothing like a massive THUD coming from my room to have mummy and daddy fleeing in. I find that if I don't cry they run a bit faster with thoughts of a KO'd baby running through their heads. I greeted them with a huge grin. HAPPY FRIDAY!

We made it to bookbug with minutes to spare this morning. I was more interested in pulling books off the shelves than singing songs. Afterwards we went to soft play with our friends. Later on we picked up daddy from work and took him to the airport. He's away on a boys weekend. I asked if I could go with him. NOT A CHANCE said mummy!

Mummy has repeatedly asked me to submit an agenda for our nightly meetings. It would be really good to know what to expect, she says. But I'm all for keeping it causal and informal. She says she's not up for that with daddy being away. So she has sent her apologies for tonight's meeting and dropped me off at granny Anne's. Grab yourself a coffee and pull up a chair granny - you're in for a long night!

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