The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Night Out

Last night was the first time mummy has had the house to herself in a LONG time. She kept forgetting I wasn't there and repeatedly woke up thinking she could hear me. CHILL OUT mummy! I'm at granny Anne's and I've kept her suitably amused ALL NIGHT.

When mummy came to pick me up in the morning, granny Anne retreated to the couch for a 10 minute power nap and I wasn't far behind her. We had lunch when I woke up and then the three of us headed to the park to enjoy the sunshine. We are now officially in the 'Spring time'. The only season I've lived through twice!

'While the cat's away the mice will play!' Me and mummy are off on our first night out together. We arrived at her friend's door armed with my dinner, my pyjamas, and chocolate. I couldn't believe how late it was when she pushed my pram home at ELEVEN PM! We are so rebellious!

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