Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Egg Lady

Everybody should have an "egg lady".  Mine is Brenda, and she and her husband have "Half Moon Farm", not too far from my house.  We are on the edge of the "country" and in a few short miles, I'm on a two lane road, then past the white fence and take the second driveway, which is just a dirt road, with well worn ruts to drive in and grass growing in the middle.  The drive is equal to maybe one long city block.  In the front of their property is where she has flowers, but she has to mow the grass, and she's thought of getting some sheep so she wouldn't have to mow.  Then you drive through the open gate and you see their house and the three Mastiff dogs are already wagging their tails to come and greet you.  I haven't been to see Brenda and get eggs for a long while, and this building is new.  Her husband decided she need a proper little farm store, so inside, there are home make candles and different crafty things she and others have made.  It's really cute.  And I was glad to see her 14 year old Mastiff, Megan, was still alive.  She's a sweetie, but she has trouble walking.  She's on meds so she isn't in a lot of pain.  Then Maya and the newest "pup", and I've forgotten her name.  Something with an M.  Missy?    They greet, they lean on you and about knock you over.  Then Brenda gets the eggs that I ordered.  One dozen for me and two dozen for my aunt.  She wants to give some to the neighbor who mows her little patch of lawn.  Prices went up to $4 a dozen, because the chicken feed went up.  That's okay.  She gave me a candle and some soap and that was so nice of her.  She has a page on Facebook.  She has bee hives.  She's your local neighborhood source for freshness and quality of whatever it is she is selling.... eggs, honey, flowers, etc.

Everybody needs an "egg lady".

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