Mountain Devil

It's been a wonderful day today, despite the inclement weather.  After a sensational Blip Meet at Jolang's where we were treated to her famous Danish Strudel we headed off to Pulpit Rock  and beyond.  

To me a big part of blip is about communicating with other blippers and when you can do it in person it is just so meaningful.  I was thrilled that AmandaNaylor made the effort to join us today, travelling all the way from the North Shore of Sydney.  How great that finally Amanda and Osuzanna were able to meet in person when they had lived so close to each other for so long in the USA.  

CCN and I were so pleased to welcome everyone to Wombat Hollow at the end of the day and once again it was a battle for "Air Time".  It was the babble of brilliant blippers and to steal a line from Osuzanna I was so humble to be in the presence of so many blipping "Rock Stars".

My image tonight is of a very lively little bush flower knows as the "Mountain Devil".  

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