kid with a camera.

By calamityjane

things are looking up

i took bertie to the vet this morning after still no improvement, and it turns out he had two long strands of grass seeds stuck right down in his canals, "poor man" as the vet kept telling him with sympathy

however, puppy seems to be much, much happier now, still a little whimper to touch his ear with pressure, but the improvement in his happiness is so lovely to see - bertie is almost his happy, cheeky, naughty self yet again :D

eilidh came round and so we took my cocker-spaniel-poodle, bertie, and her cocker-spaniel, rosie, out for walkies in the park and the beach, they had such a lovely time, the age gap meant nothing to these two sweethearts

7 month old pup to 6 year old dog, both as playful as one another despite age

i wanted to blip the photo i took of them both, but they both couldn't stay still for long enough for me to get a good enough one to post, what they like?

it seems to be cooling right down here, we sat out in the garden for what might be the last time in a while, touch wood and fingers crossed that the weather keeps up!

inspired by other blippers, i decided to snapshot my eye, sounds vain but it's my most proud feature :3

this is real, no photoshopping necessary.

people pass a husky in the street, look to me, look to husky, eye contact, awkward eye contact, sudden realisation of the colour to colour similarity..


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