Everything Emptying Into White

.....Another study in High Key.
Late last night I got a phone call from Mum..she was being taken to hospital..needless to say I couldn't sleep and this morning I belted up the coast worried about Dad.
The upshot to everything is this. She is back at home now (her choice) and seems to be doing OK.
When she phoned her main concern was for Dad and her little dog Benji...she was making sure that everyone was going to be looked after incase she had to stay for a while...I often think of the weight she carries at 83 being the sole carer for my Dad...who is rather demanding.
Pride (which I don't always think a good thing) seems to run high in my family it has a very unfortunate way (with age) of turning into stupid stubbornness and without going into a long blah about it...my Ma and Pa have it in Spades....Jaiya reckons Im a bit like that myself.....better watch myself I reckon.

The internet is still behaving badly ..it took 4 goes last night to upload my pic and it looks like tonight will be some thing similar.
Early to bed tonight .....even after a little nap this arvo Im pooped.

“If you limit your choice only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.” 
Robert Fritz

'Into White' Cat Stevens

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