Past and present

On our last ever visit to The Old Man's abode we were still trying to make sense of his absence: the empty bookshelves, the shadow on the wall where his mother's portrait hung, the sockets no longer burdened with the numerous plugs that served his electronic devices, and of course the vanished man himself whose chair occupied this corner for so many years.

In the period leading up to his death he told one of his hospital visitors "My mind is a whirlpool of memories" - and now it seems as if those memories were swirling towards dissolution, leaving us with our own which will one day vanish too.

It's not all sadness though. During the past few days my son and I have spent a pleasant time together during which we have explored parts of London with old family connections, visited museums and exhibitions, eaten some nice meals, collected the last old souvenirs and ravelled up the new. 
And so the wheel turns.

As it was!

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