Tree fern reflections

A quick run this morning to Pukekura Park, where I saw a group of runners gathering for a Sunday morning pack run through the trails in the park. Further into the park, by the big lake (even smaller than Rotomanu from a couple of days ago), I saw some great reflections. This was one of the first photos. 

Later, six Canadian Geese flew in honking loudly. A couple of quite good photos of them on the water. The background swallowed them in my attempt to photograph them in flight to landing in the water.

Busy day 3 of being on call. It's fortunate that it hasn't been too bad at night. It;s the only weekend of being on call in the two month locum, and therefore tolerable.

Yesterday, it would seem (to me) that rationality in politics won out. Winston Peters was elected MP for Northland in a bye-election. And by a substantial majority. One of his campaign planks was uncompromising opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement.

The TPPA is no partnership. What is proposed is a blank cheque for multinational corporations to do in NZ what they already do in the US, in Canada and in Central America. It is vital for our grandchildren that this is not agreed to else they will be made the economic slaves of wealthy corporations. I (and many others) cannot comprehend why the Government is pursuing this, and even more so why they will not tell the public of NZ what is the exact wording, and what they are doing to protect our interests. "Trust us" doesn't cut it any more, after all the times they have shown themselves untrustworthy.

Nestle would love to be able to claim ownership of the water in this lake and then sell it to the people of New Plymouth, as I understand they are doing in California.

My reflections.

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