The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Pop-Up Casualty

Mummy says we are experiencing the calm before the (toddler) storm but after the (newborn) tsunami. I'm at a 'fun' stage, she says. Was the newborn stage not fun mummy? I quite enjoyed the hourly feeds, the leaky poo nappies and staring at you blankly as you sang to me.

I had a great time playing with my friends on our play date this morning. I also had a great time tipping out a tub of cakes onto the floor. In the afternoon me and mummy went a walk. We visited the nesting swan again and I gave her a big smile. On the way home I was mesmerised by the waves splashing up over the railings.

There has been another pop-up book casualty. The cockerel is now cockadoodle-deid!

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