The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Still life with blue jars

These are my new jars for the rose face cream I make. I had meant to take photos while the sun was shining this morning, but unfortunately the good times didn't last!

Before I knew it, CleanSteve was picking me up from my job at the rehab, complaining of having been attacked by swans down by the river Frome. It didn't stop him him from going back for more aggro! My male students played up something rotten today. Too much coffee, or something. Hiding each others' shoes; fighting over a glass bottle and even licking it so that the other one wouldn't want it; exploding with surprise that anyone might want to continue using the aromatherapy knowledge or materials after leaving rehab...

CleanSteve and I had a very disappointing trip to Morrison's (for some reason, I thought it was going to be Gluten-Free Mecca) then we came home and I started making rose face cream. But I thought that first, I might attempt a daft, arty shot using the windowsill and its collection of pebbles. I had forgotten that the neighbour's drainpipe and collection of planks would also feature....

While I was making the creams, the phone rang and a customer asked for another one. Good timing! Now I am watching The Ark on BBC1, a drama based in biblical times. Noah and his sons all speak Manc. I like that.

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