
By Madchickenwoman

Spring has sprung but I didn't!

Well it was bound to happen - I overslept! Busy weekend, lots of walking, driving and fresh air, silly bedtimes, and the clocks going forward, saw me waking to the cat pawing me, desperate for her breakfast! I hate the clocks changing - my body refuses to recognise the official time and does it's own sweet thing - was quite a problem when I worked - at one point I had 13 alarms to wake me - 4 on my radio alarm - first the radio then 3 alarms, 4 on my mobile phone, all on repeat, my telephone alarm, 1 on a battery operated alarm, 1 on a wind up, one under my pillow that vibrated, and finally a light alarm, accompanied with birdsong/ the sea/ radio  so that the sound was always different. I can happily sleep through them all  and  even  work the sound into my dream - I dream every night, I think that is why I am so tired, I'm exhausted by my dream world before I even wake! I once awoke to my sister shouting at me over the top of the alarms - telling me to turn them off!!! She was staying with me and we were going somewhere early hence the need for the alarms! Now I allow myself to wake when I'm ready - apart from on chicken morning openings! 
The first holiday I did with my first class terrified me, as I was sleeping in the room with the girl who had night seizures - I was convinced I would sleep through them and put her at peril - but like mothers with their children, I was attuned to her and all was fine. 
Well I should have set them last night, but I forgot I was opening the chickens as covering for another coop member! I was just checking my emails to see when I was due to open them and discovered it was that morning! I threw my clothes on and raced up there! Luckily I had some treats to make it up to them! I had no opinion on Scotland's decision to stay or leave us, whether it was best for them or not, but did think if they left perhaps we could stop the changing of the clocks, so hoped they would! Sorry blippers from Scotland!
After this it was time for Portly Lucys walk- up to Cotehele and past the Mill to the weir. Always a beautiful walk, but marred by parents dragging their children round in tears, trying to get them interested in observing their surroundings and answering a childrens Fact Sheet. I was amused by one fathers intent monologue on the uses of the reeds, and his spelling of it for them - "tatch"!!!
Home to finally plant the bulbs already shooting in the containers they'd been sleeping in all winter in the conservatory - there was a fine mizzle so watering them into their new pots of soil was unnecessary! Also emptied the soil from pots whose annual flowers had died in many months ago onto the front garden. Plus played the obsessive and satisfying game of stacking the pots inside each other! Have a whole bench outside my front door containing empty pots inside and on top!
So food, a little TV and bed! But no setting of alarms!! For anyone with similar problems, the light alarm is most effective and I was able to give up most of the others!!

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