Rosebuds for Life

This is a picture of my friend Jared and I when we went to Broadway last week, and let me tell you, it was one of the best trips of my life!  I had forgotton how beautiful New York was (well, beautiful in a synthesized sort of way).  Anyway, so I, along with Jared and Lexi, all hung out together as soon as we got there.  Being the thespians that we are, we were all pretty excited about seeing the show, and even more excited to get pictures and souvenirs.
I have to say, Jared's a pretty cool friend of mine, I have a lot more in common with him than anybody else I know.  Jared also happens to be one of my only male friends that I can actually be myself around and not be afraid to, because we literally nerd out about pretty much the same things: acting, TMNT, music, art, things like that.  He's also been there for me at points in my life when I was at my lowest, which is something I cherish, because I've never really had friends that ever did that for me.  He was willing to listen and to help in any way possible; so you can say that I really look up to him in a lot of situations.  He's also one of the funniest (actually, now that I think about it, he IS the funniest) people I know, and he's literally always cracking jokes about everything. 

So, I guess I should get back to this picture, huh?

Well, while we were in the giftshop inside the building, I was trying to find a good souvenir to get, but I had a limited amount of money. One of the things they were selling plastic roses, and I had just enough for one, so I bought one.  While Jared and Lexi were deciding what to buy, I made a little joke about how somebody should get a flower too so we could be "rose-buds" (hopefully, you get the joke), and lo and behold, soon after he bought one! After the show, he asked to get a picture of us with our roses, and that's where this picture comes in!

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