
By pensionspoet

A dog walk...

Jon 7 the dogs joined us today at around 4.30.  

After doing the drive from Cambridge to Lower Gresham (85 miles) and back Monday and Tuesday, today he gets to stay...for a couple of days anyway!

Jon & I took a walk up the lane, (on the way the Felbrigg for those familiar with it) to let the dogs stretch their legs, and for a catch up chat. After a few minutes Henry appeared on his bike! It was the first time in his life that he has been in a position where he can jump on his bike and cycle up the road (we occasionally took the cycle path to Cambridge, but in general his cycling was restricted to round the (no cycling) park, in an evening once the visitors had left! I hope once he makes some friends in the village he will be a bit more independent living here.

Earlier in the day, we sorted lots more boxes, put bits in the loft, then escaped for a short wander round Sheringham - where eagle eyed kids spotted a Linton resident. Friend of a friend, so he didn't recognise us (we were in the queue behind him at Barclays). It just shows the popularity of the area we can now call 'home'.

Definitely gardening tomorrow....

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