Tiny Plays aren't a Good Idea, Trust Me

Back in November, we had performed these little "skit" things in what our director had called "The 10-Minute Play Festival".  This whole thing to me seemed like a horrible thing to do.  I figured it wouldn't attract the community, we had so many new people so they were shy, our budgets were small, and she had us direct them instead of her directing them.  It was a horrible six weeks, and the show I had directed ended up being mostly improv because half of my actors hadn't memorized their lines, so they figured they could make it up as they go or look off of their phones while they were onstage (yeah, it made me pretty mad...). The only skits that I think actually did sort of good were the ones with the veteran actors in them, which were only about one or two.  It honestly felt like we were having a repeat of the musical last year (as great as Putnam was, our director procrastinated on everything, so it was us that had to pull the show together.).  I really hope that we don't plan on doing the skits again next year, but since the rumor is that our director is leaving, hopefully that means we won't have to.

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