
By maddischeib

Walmart Adventures

Yesterday, Jade, Kayti and I went to Wal-Mart. I basically just went along for the ride, because I didn’t need anything.
Well, Jade saw her boyfriend’s parents walk in around the same time we did, so I decided to go walk around. When I started to walk away, Jade followed (I don’t know why, because it’s not like someone could actually get lost in Wal-Mart).
As we were walking, I heard “You and I” by One Direction playing over the loud speaker. Zayn Malik just recently left the band, and there was a well-known high note that he sang in this song. Since he left, none of the boys sing it during a concert. I decided I should step in as the “new Zayn Malik”. I waited for the high note and when it came, I sang it. Loudly. Everyone in the area we were at stopped and stared at me. Some people even dropped the things they were holding.
The silence was followed by a lot of laughter, mostly from my little sister and I, but I didn’t really care. Jade got so embarrassed, she walked back to her boyfriend’s parents and basically hid with them.
Then another song I knew came over the loud speaker. I decided it was my time to shine, so I sang along with a conditioner bottle as my microphone. As we were walking, I happened to come across a wooden spatula. That ended up being my mic for the rest of the night.
As we walked around the store, I accumulated more and more objects. By the end of the night, I had an Easter basket full of stuff (which I put back in their spots before leaving). The only thing that I left out of place was the spatula. I did that on purpose, so everyone knew I was there and I left.

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