Mist over the Tay

A bright, warm, sunny day inland but misty of the coast.

Spent the morning transferring money to Uganda in order that the work of the School can be finished this week. Using Western Union it gets there immediately but because of the Bank Holiday we had to use an outlet in a  small supermarket and it took forever. However, the Ugandan Pastor is truly thankful that the work will be completed before the Government Inspector comes on Friday. The reason for rebuilding was because of a murderous attack on a nearby school by Al-Shabbab, the same group who killed 148 Christians in neighbouring Kenya.

Afterwards, we headed for Arbroath but soon discovered that the heavy mist had not cleared. A short walk round the Harbour and then headed for home. As we drove home we noticed this fog bank hovering over the length of the River Tay. It is more noticeable because of the hills on the south side. At home, it was glorious sunshine - so a nice rest in the garden was on the agenda.

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