Living Room Facelift

I decided to choose one of my living room walls as an accent wall and get a nice wallpaper for it.  I thought it would bring a warmth to the room.  Today the guys showed up that put up the wallpaper for us and I must say that I really love the way it turned out.  It might be hard to see in the photo but it's a bronze color with a lighter shade for the design.  I still have to get two heat/air conditioning covers for the two black openings in the bottom of the wall.  I had white ones but ordered brown so they blend in with the wallpaper better. 
Allergies have already begun in my area and the one side effect I hate the most is the awful fatigue they cause.  The secret is never sit down.  As long as you keep moving your adrenaline will help but the minute you sit down......Zzzzzzzzz

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