Deer Damage

I didn't spend the day recovering from my party yesterday as I would have liked.  Instead I was up and out early to enjoy this beautiful day today.  Warm, sunny and breezy.  It felt sooo good! 
I went on a long walk with my sister and we were walking in her neighborhood with her two dogs.  I haven't done any long walks since recovering from my back injury so I was pathetically slow.  If I tell you that the dogs had to keep stopping and waiting for me you'll get an idea of how much work I have ahead of me.  I was there before and I'll get there again. 
During the walk I kept seeing these trees/shrubs that looked like someone cut all their greens off the bottom halves of them.  I have the same problem in the back of my yard near the wooded area but I had never seen an entire neighborhood of landscaped homes with this problem. 
I took a photo of one of the homes and you can see the tall evergreens in the front of the house are all picked clean on the bottoms from the deer. 
Some of the trees were eaten 3/4 of the way up the tree leaving only a green tip.  They looked like a bunch of penis trees.  :-)

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