Opening time..

..another couple of days like today, and they should be fully open. It's been lovely today, warm and sunny. Even had someone swimming in the sea around five o'clock! Not warm enough for that yet!

Sorted seedlings out first thing, emptying the propagators of germinated seeds, and replacing with ones that haven't shown yet. It's a really satisfying time of year, seeing these plants growing..

After 5 mm of rain yesterday, couldn't do anything on the worked ground, but it has "hazelled off" nicely. Anyone familiar with that phrase? Describes wet ground reaching a surface dry state, either by wind or sun (or both) action.

Been building a wall by the greenhouse today, to extend the border, and somewhere to lose the excess soil from around the greenhouse. Moved a couple of tons of stone, and shoveled soil too!..

Time for a nice hot shower now..

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