Looking South from the Longman campus of Inverness College, with a large telephoto lens.

Solar eclipse today, and this was taken at the peak spell of darkness. Streetlights came on, and the birds didn't go quiet. But then the darned Herring Gulls that are all around the area, rarely do. There was a thinning of the cloud for about four seconds, and we made out a thin crescent of the sun, without needing any eye protection. Didn't take a photo of it though. The sky had had various clear bits before (and after) it happened. Suspect the cloud thickened because there was less sun for the while that it took place.

Oh well. I was glad to have seen that brief glimpse of it. And I'm not bothered at not having a photo of it. So many other folk did, and it's good to enjoy and benefit from their success. Pity I wasn't up on the roof today. Would've liked to have seen how things looked to the North, at that time.

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