Little Miss Bossy

It's almost exactly a year since I last took a photo of Miss L and Mr R on the wibbly-wobbly bridge at Padbury park.
I was hoping to recreate the shot but it was not to be. Despite Miss L's best bossy efforts!
It was so nice to catch up with Mrs C, it's been ages since I've seen her. As usual the children just picked up exactly where they left off and had a great time. 
Miss E and Mr L took themselves off immediately - lost in their own world!
What a lovely afternoon!
From there we went to Tescos quickly to get a few emergency supplies - popcorn, smoothie ingredients, E45, toothpaste and toothbrushes. 
Then it was home - a hideous journey with squabbling and hitting sisters. As a result I said there'd be no iPad or TV when we got home. That tipped Miss E over the edge into a full on meltdown. She refused to get out of the car when we got home. Fine by me!!
She was still in there when Mr K got home!
Miss L and I made smoothies while Miss E - who had been persuaded out of the car - wailed and sobbed and clutched at her head dramatically.
She eventually calmed down and drank her smoothie. Whinged a bit more and then went to bed to listen to a Winnie the Pooh CD.
It's been a busy few days!

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