Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By cdsvfdcs

boys after school

Picked up the boys from school today - they came in “spring break mode” just wanting to hang out.  After a fast food hamburger for O.  so we did a little tour of Capitol Hill where we used to live (Oskar being the “family guy”,  loves to see where his Dad grew up) and then came home with intentions of going to the park with the basketball.. Well the weather turned too nasty and rainy so we were forced to make do with indoor stuff.   Haven’t had one of just Nik for awhile so here he is with a game of “gin” we were reduced to playing,,,  Oskar made a “House of shapes” with every block we have  (he said the photo with him and the blocks was his smiley mouth) and Mom picked them up long after 6:00 to do some errands to get ready for their trip to LA for spring break tomorrow.   (I don’t know how working Moms do it—so much to do in the evening!)

We are ready to get on the plane for Venice tomorrow!!!….. will do my best to blip the days for my records but the pix will probably be from the iPhone (as is this!)  as I don’t plan to spend much time there fussing with photos —or comments….for a week....  (and now I need to go to bed!)

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