Ways Of Seeing

By dollyfish

Do not enter-tain

I'm afraid this was the only photo I took today. I could get up right now and take another photo but I'm scared I might wander into the kitchen and eat something. Five bowls of Cheerios later I'll realise no photo has been taken and it's 11.58pm.

Anyway, I have nothing to say about this photo.

Except, why do danger signs think it's ok to use an exclamation mark at the beginning of a sentence? Since when is the instruction to not enter, so important that it is allowed to disobey the laws of grammar? And take the chap below. Now, he has quite an arm swing on him. Imagine if we all walked around swinging our arms up to shoulder level, we'd all be knocking each other out (and have super toned arms, granted).

Come on signs. Get real. Stop with the unauthorised punctuation and the unrealistic depiction of walking. Enough is enough.

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