Ways Of Seeing

By dollyfish

Incy Wincy

The best present my sister ever gave me, and probably one of my most favourite possessions ever, is the spider catcher. It's one of the many things I inherited from her when she moved to Cyprus. I guess she thought she'd be fighting a losing battle taking it out there.

I love my spider catcher (which I have also used to catch bees, wasps and flies. Oh yes, it's versatile). I was always a bit fearful of spiders until I got my spider catcher. Then every time I caught one, I'd spend a few minutes looking at it with my son before releasing it in the garden. Here he's got his magnifying glass out for a close up. It just eventually took away the fear (that and the film Charlotte's Web) and I have no problem with them at all now - I've even held them in my own bare hands in an emergency!

However, things went horribly wrong after this photo was taken. I opened the lid of the spider catcher to let it out but accidentally shut the lid and snapped most of it's legs off. It fell to the ground and then a gang of ants swarmed all over it. And then Mr. Cat decided to go outside and trod all over the lot of them. But this doesn't usually happen.

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