Art on Art

In front of the Robert Gordon School there is a statue of General Charles Gordon. There is no connection between General Gordon and the school. Instead we went to the same school in Somerset, though not at the same time. He was not of the same family as Robert Gordon and had no connection with Aberdeen as far as I know. It is strange the statue of the General has been positioned outside a school named after somebody with the same name.

As I was passing in front of the school and General Gordon I happened to notice he was looking rather more colourful than usual. I went over to take a photograph and was given a pamphlet telling me this is part of the "Look Again" art festival in Aberdeen between the 8th and 12th April.

Several statues around the city are dressed up for the occasion. Apparently the designs are inspired by the countries he visited, including China, Egypt and Sudan.

In the evening Cosmo came over for a BBQ. Although it was quite sunny it was also quite cold, before becoming very cold. I came inside fairly early, but Cosmo and others remained in the summer house and garden until about 10:00 pm. Cosmo enjoyed the sausage she was allowed to have from the BBQ when it cooled, so I think she deemed the evening a success.

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