
I am sat here at 8pm in my jim-jams. I wish I could say it was in preparation for an early night but I have to admit to the being just a teeny bit slovenly and haven't got dressed today!
The Little Misses have been happy pottering and playing and making mess all day.
And climbing the apple tree. Which has never been scaled before! 
Miss E spent most of the afternoon up there giddy at her achievement!
I spent most of the day in our bedroom. Having a complete sort out. Cupboards emptied, bags filled with rubbish, medicine chest sorted, clothes photographed for eBay, three boxes filled for the car boot I'm doing in a couple of weeks, dusting, hoovering, wiping down.
In preparation for moving house in the hopefully not too distant future I've decided to start sorting and de-cluttering. I'm determined that we don't end up packing things which then just clutter up a new house. I'm being ruthless!!
So not much else to report about today. A quiet, productive, fun day at home.
In my pyjamas!

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