We need to talk about the elephant in the room

I'm sure everyone understands the meaning of this expression. I was very surprised therefore when Rosina questioned the image and looked at me blankly when I said the phrase to her. I explained its meaning and she took great delight in saying to her mum 'Dad needs a serious talk with you. You both need to talk about the elephant in the room'.  And guess what? Diana didn't have a clue what it meant either. At least I know where Rosina gets her ditzzyness from.

Anyway, back to the elephant in my room. Three new training courses being developed at work. I have one to do, two people from outside my organization are doing the other two. One of these individuals has been working on his for about six weeks He has shown no initiative and made precious little progress. What he has delivered so far is IMO below par and barely fit for purpose. I've raised my concerns to management and they have chosen to bury their heads in the sand and pretend there isn't an issue, i.e. they are refusing to talk about the elephant in the room. I started development of my course slides  on Monday and finished on Tuesday. I'm not blowing my own trumpet, just providing a yardstick against which to measure the scale of the issue. 

Dry run of his course today. I'm hoping he pulls something out of the bag otherwise the elephant  will be trumpeting its presence so loudly it will be impossible for people to ignore it  any longer.

Now where did I put the shovel?

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